Travel, Hotel and Airline Data

Gather hotel reviews, pricing, room availability and airline ticket prices from multiple sources accurately using our advanced web scraping services.

Use this wealth of data to enhance your customer service, improve your properties, services, optimize pricing, monitor your reputation, ratings and reviews and stay ahead of your competition.

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Examples of Travel, Hotel and Airline Data that we provide

Airline Data

Multiple airline, OTA websites crawled to provide you the updated price in realtime

Monitor in Real-Time using API

Gather data in real-time using our custom API and request data as per your needs

Location Data

Boost your business through the power of location intelligence by gathering Hotel, Airport and other travel related location data

Social Media Trend

Track locations, activities, services, influencers and hashtags that are trending on social media to improve or advertise your services

Review and Feedback data

Monitor what customers are saying across different platforms without having to visit all websites. Make customer relations efficient by harnessing the power of data

Homestay and Vacation Rental Data

AirBnB, VRBO, HomeAway have disrupted the hotel business and created a new market, monitor their property locations and pricing

These are just some examples of travel, hotel and airline data that we can provide, there are countless other sources and types of hospitality data that we can gather just for you

We use the latest technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) to gather and analyze travel and hotel data to provide creative and custom solutions that are tailored to fit the exact needs of our customers

How does it work?


Give us details about the data (text, image, documents) you would like to gather and the sources where we can find the data. Our data experts can help you finalize websites and data that would fit to your need.


Based on your requirements we will gather data, perform quality checks and provide you the final data in its raw form or clean it to ensure that all you have to do is load the data into your systems.


Hotel and airline prices constantly change. We can schedule the data gathering to ensure that you receive latest data to keep your systems updated.

The Parse difference: Custom Solutions for you

Parse is a full service provider. You just need to tell us what you are looking for and we will take care of everything else.


We provide you real-time travel data that you can rely on, while making important investment decisions. No recycled or preexisting data sets that are outdated and full of stale data


The data you receive is never going to be same as your competitor’s or data that you buy from existing providers. We are a custom data provider that provides unique data only to you


We provide you customized data sets based on your exact business requirements. Our team is always open to having a conversation and discussing customized options with you

A solution built based on your requirements, completely configurable to your changing needs – that is what we promise. Allow us to help you maximize your products, services and advertising efforts

Privacy and Legal Compliance

Customer Privacy

Our customers range from startups to massive Fortune 50 companies and everything in between. They trust us with their privacy and as a result, we don't publicly publish our customer names and logos anywhere. We promise you your privacy and guard it fiercely

Compliance and Legal

We will work with compliance and legal groups throughout the whole process to ensure that you are in compliance with all regulations and adhere to internal risk and controls processes

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